Problem 50¶
Consecutive Prime Sum¶
The prime $41$, can be written as the sum of six consecutive primes:
$$41 = 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 + 13.$$
This is the longest sum of consecutive primes that adds to a prime below one-hundred.
The longest sum of consecutive primes below one-thousand that adds to a prime, contains $21$ terms, and is equal to $953$.
Which prime, below one-million, can be written as the sum of the most consecutive primes?
$$41 = 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 + 13.$$
同様に, 連続する素数の和で1000未満の素数を表したときに最長になるのは953で21項を持つ.
(import (scheme base)
(gauche base)
(math prime)
(scheme list))
(define temp-primes (primes))
(define (prime? num)
(assume (exact-integer? num))
(assume (positive? num))
[(= num 1) #f]
[(= num 2) #t]
[(even? num) #f]
[(= num 3) #t]
[(zero? (mod num 3)) #f]
(let loop ([n6-1 5])
(let ([n6+1 (+ n6-1 2)])
[(< num
(* n6-1 n6-1))
[(zero? (mod num n6-1))
[(< num
(* n6+1 n6+1))
[(zero? (mod num n6+1))
(loop (+ n6+1 4))])))]))
(define (longest-sequence num)
(let loop ([sum 0] [current-primes temp-primes] [lis '()])
(if (<= num (+ sum (car current-primes)))
(reverse lis)
(loop (+ sum (car current-primes))
(cdr current-primes)
(cons (car current-primes) lis)))))
(define (match-lists num lis)
(let loop ([lis lis]
[current-primes (drop-while (cut <= <> (apply max lis))
[result (cons lis '())])
(if (<= num
(+ (apply + (cdr lis))
(car current-primes)))
(reverse result)
(loop `(,@(cdr lis) ,(car current-primes))
(cdr current-primes)
(cons `(,@(cdr lis) ,(car current-primes))
(define (prime-sequence num)
(let loop ([initial-list (longest-sequence num)])
(or (find (^[lis]
(prime? (apply + lis)))
(match-lists num initial-list))
(loop (drop-right initial-list 1)))))
(define answer-50
(apply + (prime-sequence 100_0000)))
(format #t "50: ~d~%" answer-50)
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