Problem 32¶
Pandigital Products¶
We shall say that an $n$-digit number is pandigital if it makes use of all the digits $1$ to $n$ exactly once; for example, the $5$-digit number, $15234$, is $1$ through $5$ pandigital.
The product $7254$ is unusual, as the identity, $39 \times 186 = 7254$, containing multiplicand, multiplier, and product is $1$ through $9$ pandigital.
Find the sum of all products whose multiplicand/multiplier/product identity can be written as a $1$ through $9$ pandigital.
HINT: Some products can be obtained in more than one way so be sure to only include it once in your sum.
すべての桁に 1 から n が一度だけ使われている数をn桁の数がパンデジタル (pandigital) であるということにしよう: 例えば5桁の数 15234 は1から5のパンデジタルである.
7254 は面白い性質を持っている. 39 × 186 = 7254 と書け, 掛けられる数, 掛ける数, 積が1から9のパンデジタルとなる.
ヒント: いくつかの積は, 1通り以上の掛けられる数/掛ける数/積の組み合わせを持つが1回だけ数え上げよ.
(import (scheme base)
(gauche base)
(scheme sort))
(define (my-permutation lis)
(let perm-sub ([rest lis] [sub '()] [result '()])
(if (null? rest)
(cons (reverse sub) result)
(fold-right (^[n result]
(perm-sub (delete n rest) (cons n sub) result))
(define (unique lis)
(let loop ([prev #f] [rest lis] [result '()])
[(null? rest) (reverse result)]
[(and prev
(= prev (car rest)))
(loop prev (cdr rest) result)]
(loop (car rest)
(cdr rest)
(cons (car rest) result))])))
; 有効な a * b = c のそれぞれの桁数は次の通り
; (1 4 4)
; (2 3 4)
; (3 2 4)
; (4 1 4)
; ただし、a * b = b * a なので後半は必要ない
(define pandigital-num-triplets
(let ([perm-list (my-permutation (iota 9 1))])
(let loop ([rest perm-list] [result '()])
(if (null? rest)
(let* ([digital (car rest)]
[rest (cdr rest)]
[digital-vec (list->vector digital)]
[a1 (vector-ref digital-vec 0)]
[b1 (+ (* (vector-ref digital-vec 1) 1000)
(* (vector-ref digital-vec 2) 100)
(* (vector-ref digital-vec 3) 10)
(vector-ref digital-vec 4))]
[c (+ (* (vector-ref digital-vec 5) 1000)
(* (vector-ref digital-vec 6) 100)
(* (vector-ref digital-vec 7) 10)
(vector-ref digital-vec 8))]
[a2 (+ (* (vector-ref digital-vec 0) 10)
(vector-ref digital-vec 1))]
[b2 (+ (* (vector-ref digital-vec 2) 100)
(* (vector-ref digital-vec 3) 10)
(vector-ref digital-vec 4))]
[new-result result])
(when (= (* a1 b1) c)
(set! new-result (cons `(,a1 ,b1 . ,c) new-result)))
(when (= (* a2 b2) c)
(set! new-result (cons `(,a2 ,b2 . ,c) new-result)))
(loop rest new-result))))))
(define pandigital-nums
(list-sort < (map (cut cddr <>)
(define answer-32
(apply + pandigital-nums))
(format #t "32: ~d~%" answer-32)
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