Problem 3¶
Largest Prime Factor¶
The prime factors of $13195$ are $5, 7, 13$ and $29$.
What is the largest prime factor of the number $600851475143$?
13195 の素因数は 5, 7, 13, 29 である.
600851475143 の素因数のうち最大のものを求めよ.
(import (chezscheme))
(define (prime-factor num)
(let ([check-max (isqrt num)])
(let loop ([current 2] [rest num] [result '()])
[(= rest 1) result]
[(< check-max current) (cons rest result)]
[(zero? (mod rest current))
(loop current (div rest current) (cons current result))]
[else (loop (add1 current) rest result)]))))
(define answer-3
(apply max (prime-factor 600851475143)))
(printf "3: ~D~%" answer-3)
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