Problem 7 » 履歴 » リビジョン 3
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Noppi, 2023/12/27 13:21
Problem 7¶
$10001$st Prime¶
By listing the first six prime numbers: $2, 3, 5, 7, 11$, and $13$, we can see that the $6$th prime is $13$.
What is the $10,001$st prime number?
素数を小さい方から6つ並べると 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 であり, 6番目の素数は 13 である.
10001 番目の素数を求めよ.
(import (chezscheme))
(define (prime? num)
(if (even? num)
(let ([count (isqrt num)])
(let loop ([check-num 3])
[(< count check-num) #t]
[(zero? (mod num check-num)) #f]
[else (loop (+ check-num 2))])))))
(define answer-7
(let loop ([current 3] [count 1] [prime 2])
(= 10001 count)
(let ([next (+ current 2)])
(if (prime? current)
(loop next (add1 count) current)
(loop next count prime))))))
(printf "7: ~D~%" answer-7)
Noppi が2023/12/27に更新 · 3件の履歴