


Problem 65 » 履歴 » リビジョン 2

リビジョン 1 (Noppi, 2024/01/28 12:45) → リビジョン 2/3 (Noppi, 2024/01/28 13:28)

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 # [[Problem 65]] 

 ## Convergents of $e$ 
 The square root of $2$ can be written as an infinite continued fraction. 

 $\sqrt{2} = 1 + \dfrac{1}{2 + \dfrac{1}{2 + \dfrac{1}{2 + \dfrac{1}{2 + ...}}}}$ 

 The infinite continued fraction can be written, $\sqrt{2} = [1; (2)]$, $(2)$ indicates that $2$ repeats <i>ad infinitum</i>. In a similar way, $\sqrt{23} = [4; (1, 3, 1, 8)]$. 

 It turns out that the sequence of partial values of continued fractions for square roots provide the best rational approximations. Let us consider the convergents for $\sqrt{2}$. 

 &amp;1 + \dfrac{1}{2} = \dfrac{3}{2} \\ 
 &amp;1 + \dfrac{1}{2 + \dfrac{1}{2}} = \dfrac{7}{5}\\ 
 &amp;1 + \dfrac{1}{2 + \dfrac{1}{2 + \dfrac{1}{2}}} = \dfrac{17}{12}\\ 
 &amp;1 + \dfrac{1}{2 + \dfrac{1}{2 + \dfrac{1}{2 + \dfrac{1}{2}}}} = \dfrac{41}{29} 

 Hence the sequence of the first ten convergents for $\sqrt{2}$ are: 

 $1, \dfrac{3}{2}, \dfrac{7}{5}, \dfrac{17}{12}, \dfrac{41}{29}, \dfrac{99}{70}, \dfrac{239}{169}, \dfrac{577}{408}, \dfrac{1393}{985}, \dfrac{3363}{2378}, ...$ 

 What is most surprising is that the important mathematical constant, 
 $e = [2; 1, 2, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 6, 1, ... , 1, 2k, 1, ...]$. 

 The first ten terms in the sequence of convergents for $e$ are: 

 $2, 3, \dfrac{8}{3}, \dfrac{11}{4}, \dfrac{19}{7}, \dfrac{87}{32}, \dfrac{106}{39}, \dfrac{193}{71}, \dfrac{1264}{465}, \dfrac{1457}{536}, ...$ 

 The sum of digits in the numerator of the $10$<sup>th</sup> convergent is $1 + 4 + 5 + 7 = 17$. 

 Find the sum of digits in the numerator of the $100$<sup>th</sup> convergent of the continued fraction for $e$. 

 ## $e$ の近似分数 

 √2 = 1 + 1/(2 + 1/(2 + 1/(2 + 1/(2 + ...)))) 

 無限連分数である √2 = [1;(2)] と書くことができるが, (2) は2が無限に繰り返されることを示す. 同様に, √23 = [4;(1,3,1,8)]. 


 1 + 1/2 = 3/2 
 1 + 1/(2 + 1/2) = 7/5 
 1 + 1/(2 + 1/(2 + 1/2)) = 17/12 
 1 + 1/(2 + 1/(2 + 1/(2 + 1/2))) = 41/29 

 従って, √2の近似分数からなる数列の最初の10項は: 

 1, 3/2, 7/5, 17/12, 41/29, 99/70, 239/169, 577/408, 1393/985, 3363/2378, ... 

 もっとも驚くべきことに, 数学的に重要な定数, 

 e = [2; 1,2,1, 1,4,1, 1,6,1 , ... , 1,2k,1, ...]. 

 e の近似分数からなる数列の最初の10項は: 

 2, 3, 8/3, 11/4, 19/7, 87/32, 106/39, 193/71, 1264/465, 1457/536, ... 


 e についての連分数である近似分数の100項目の分子の桁の合計を求めよ. 

 (import (scheme base) 
         (gauche base)) 

 (define (continued-fraction lis) 
   (let loop ([rest (reverse lis)] 
              [result 0]) 
       [(null? rest) result] 
       [(zero? result) 
        (loop (cdr rest) (car rest))] 
         (loop (cdr rest) 
               (+ (car rest) 
                  (/ 1 result)))]))) 

 (define e-generator 
   (let ([index 0] [current-center 2]) 
       (let ([next-index (mod (+ index 1) 3)]) 
         (ecase index 
           [(0 2) 
            (set! index next-index) 
            (set! index next-index) 
            (let ([return-value current-center]) 
              (set! current-center (+ current-center 2)) 

 (define e-list 
   (generator->lseq 2 e-generator)) 

 (define (number->list num) 
   (assume (exact-integer? num)) 
   (assume (not (negative? num))) 
   (if (zero? num) 
     (let loop ([rest num] [current '()]) 
       (if (zero? rest) 
         (loop (div rest 10) 
               (cons (mod rest 10) 

 (define answer-65 
   (apply + 
                (take e-list 100)))))) 

 (format #t "65: ~d~%" answer-65) 