Problem 10¶
Summation of Primes¶
The sum of the primes below $10$ is $2 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 17$.
Find the sum of all the primes below two million.
10以下の素数の和は 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 17 である.
(import (chezscheme))
(define (eratosthenes-sub1! table erase-num)
(assert (vector-ref table erase-num))
(let loop ([current (* erase-num 2)])
[(<= (vector-length table) current) table]
(vector-set! table current #f)
(loop (+ current erase-num))])))
(define (eratosthenes-sub2 table)
(lambda (num-or-f)
(or num-or-f #f))
(vector->list table)))
(define (eratosthenes num)
(let ([table (list->vector (iota num))]
[count (isqrt (sub1 num))])
(vector-set! table 0 #f)
(vector-set! table 1 #f)
(let loop ([index 2] [table table])
[(< count index) (eratosthenes-sub2 table)]
[(vector-ref table index)
(loop (add1 index) (eratosthenes-sub1! table index))]
[else (loop (add1 index) table)]))))
(define answer-10
(apply + (eratosthenes 2000001)))
(printf "10: ~D~%" answer-10)
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