Problem 10 » 履歴 » リビジョン 7
リビジョン 6 (Noppi, 2023/12/27 13:42) → リビジョン 7/8 (Noppi, 2023/12/28 07:35)
[ホーム]( - [[Wiki|Project Euler]] # [[Problem 10]] ## Summation of Primes The sum of the primes below $10$ is $2 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 17$. Find the sum of all the primes below two million. ## 素数の和 10以下の素数の和は 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 17 である. 200万以下の全ての素数の和を求めよ. ```scheme #!r6rs #!chezscheme (import (chezscheme)) (define (eratosthenes-sub1! (make-prime-list num) (fold-left (lambda (lis iota-num prime?) (if prime? (cons iota-num lis) lis)) '() (iota num) (vector->list (eratosthenes num)))) (define (eratosthenes-sub! table erase-num) (assert (vector-ref table erase-num)) (let loop ([current (* erase-num 2)]) (cond [(<= (vector-length table) current) table] [else (vector-set! table current #f) (loop (+ current erase-num))]))) (define (eratosthenes-sub2 table) (let-values ([(primes falses) (partition (lambda (num-or-f) (if num-or-f num-or-f #f)) (vector->list table))]) primes)) (define (eratosthenes num) (let ([table (list->vector (iota num))] (make-vector num #t)] [count (isqrt (sub1 num))]) (vector-set! table 0 #f) (vector-set! table 1 #f) (let loop ([index 2] [table table]) (cond [(< count index) (eratosthenes-sub2 table)] table] [(vector-ref table index) (loop (add1 index) (eratosthenes-sub1! (eratosthenes-sub! table index))] [else (loop (add1 index) table)])))) (define answer-10 (apply + (eratosthenes (make-prime-list 2000001))) (printf "10: ~D~%" answer-10) ```